Adventure Rock, an indoor climbing facility with three locations in Wisconsin, sought to improve comfort for climbers and staff. The facilities, ranging in size from 10,000 to 17,000 square feet, feature ceiling heights up to 48 feet. Given the extreme temperatures in the upper Midwest, the gyms experienced significant temperature stratification, making it difficult to maintain a comfortable environment.
Solution & Implementation
“I love Airius fans. I have seen how they can improve the comfort in our climbing facilities. I have been in other facilities that have used other style destratification fans and they just don’t seem to work as well. If I am ever talking with someone who is building a new climbing facility, I always make the suggestion to look into Airius fans.”
~Adventure Rock Management
The installation of Airius Air Pear fans at Adventure Rock demonstrates the powerful impact of advanced destratification technology in indoor climbing gyms. By providing efficient air circulation and significantly reducing temperature stratification, the Air Pear fans have enhanced the comfort for climbers and staff, ensuring a more enjoyable experience in all three facilities.