Craft Industries, a grow facility in Aurora, CO, sought to optimize its indoor environment for plant health, productivity, and efficiency. Managing temperature, humidity, and gas distribution was essential for ensuring uniform plant growth and consistent drying conditions post-harvest. Traditional HVAC systems struggled to provide the necessary air circulation, leading the facility to explore an advanced destratification solution.
Solution & Installation
“I wouldn’t set up another grow without Airius fans. For the cost of these HVAC systems, spending a few thousand dollars on these fans is a no-brainer. They optimize all of the cooling and humidification systems and allow them to work together seamlessly.”
~ Conor Adams, Proprietor, Craft Industries
Airius destratification fans provided Craft Industries with an efficient, cost-effective solution for improving air circulation in their grow facility. By homogenizing gas distribution, stabilizing temperature and humidity, and preventing mold and bacteria growth, the fans played a crucial role in enhancing plant health and overall production quality.